Список достопримечательностей

57000 Place d'Armes, Metz, France
Cathedrale Saint-Etienne
The cathedral of Metz is not only the cathedral of France having the largest glass area, nearly 6 500 m2, but also the one which presents the biggest gothic windows of Europe.

1 Parvis des Droits de l'Homme, 57020 Metz
Centre Pompidou
The Center Pompidou-Metz is a public cultural cooperation2 art establishment located in Metz, between the Parc de la Seille and the train station. Its construction is carried out as part of the development operation of the Amphitheater district.

Voie Romaine, Maizières-lès-Metz, France
Walygator Parc
Walygator Park, formerly Big Bang Smurf, Walibi Schtroumpf and Walibi Lorraine, is an amusement park located on the French town of Maizières-lès-Metz in the Moselle department.

1 Rue du Tigre, 57360 Amnéville, France
Zoo d'Amneville
The zoological park of Amnéville is a French zoo of the Grand Est located in the valley of the Moselle, between Metz and the Franco-Luxembourg border, in the municipality of Hagondange, near Amnéville. Around 2000 animals of 360 species are presented on 18 hectares

2 Rue de Berlange, 57140 Woippy, France